Sunday, September 14, 2008

On Saturday evening a group opf us celebrated Connie's 60th birthday with a Mexican dinner at Angie & Kevin's. Here is Connie with all her Grandchildren and her DQ cake!

Sunday morning Debbie & I biked the Terry Fox 10k fundraiser trail. It was a perfectly gorgeous morning with sun, no wind and great conversation so the ride was over before we were ready for it to be!

Murray had great combining weather today and would have had great going if he hadn't broken down at supper time. They are busy improvising at the shop as the nearest part is in Regina and won't be here until Tuesday! Just when we get good weather.....


The Letniaks said...

NEVER FAILS!!! When the weather's good things seem to go bad! Hopefully he's able to get up and running soon! Looks like you guys had a good time Sunday morning, maybe in a few years I'll be able to join! :)

Steven and Kimberly said...

Good job on the bike run! Hope the combining gets under way soon so that harvest can be done for you guys as well!

Gloria Pierson said...

Fun Community times - Happy Birthday to Connie!!!! Wonderful to have all her grandchildren around her - perfect birthday!!!! You go girl with that race - looks like Debbie joined you! Good fun for all. Too bad about the harvest machinery breakdown! Hope they were able to improvise and get things going again!!!

The Sénéchals said...

So when did you get a bike! Way to go!