Friday, September 4, 2009

Morning Scenes

this morning as I was going for my walk I noticed the full moon in the west...........

and a few minutes later a rising sun in the east.

Also these geese were flying overhead. Definitely a sign of Fall.


Gloria Pierson said...

The beauties of nature - God has little surprises awaiting us when we open our eye to recognize his majesty.

Ev said...

Neat shots -

The Letniaks said...

Great pictures Elaine - that is one thing about this country, the sunsets and sunrises! Since we've hit Sept, you can sure feel "fall" in the air.

C & K Whitmore said...

There is definitely beauty in Southern Alberta. I have run into people in the North here that don't think so, but God places beauty everywhere.

The Sénéchals said...

Great pics Mom!