Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Grant Imes 1923-2010

Fondly remembering Uncle Grant Imes - Peggy's brother, of Calgary - who went to sleep Christmas Eve & didn't wake up Christmas morning. We will miss his wit & wry sense of humor.
He was a WW ll vet who carried shrapnel in him til his death. His rest now is well earned.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Day with Jaren & Landen

Today Jaren & Landen came for the day. We did all kinds of things but while playing with the kittens Jaren said it was the most fun at our house EVER!
Boys, kittens & boxes make for lots of fun
Don't tell Angie I kept them in boxes all day! Ha! Ha!

Sheba & Jaren at the barn

Landen & Sam had a mutual admiration thing going!

Boys & their toys
This Grandma enjoyed getting primed for time with her grandsons at Christmas!
Come again soon guys.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Intrpoducing Sheba & Sam

Yesterday Murray's dad brought home some half grown kittens as our farm is not catless. Today Murray brought them to the house and they made themselves right at home. They are so tame & loveable.

Sheba & Sam


Sheba & Me
Those of you who know me well will find this pic hard to believe but they even stole my heart. Mind you they went back to the barn after we had played with them for a few hours!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Celebrity Speakers

Last week while in Red Deer Murray & I were privileged to listen to several motivational speakers at a seminar. The first one was Hayley Wickenheiser, who was terrific and spoke without notes for 45 minutes. The last one was none other than Robert Herjavec from Murray's favorite TV show Dragon's Den.

We were able to greet Robert & have our picture taken with him. He is a very personable man who hasn't forgotten his humble beginnings and counts his blessings every day.